
Moving On

Time’s up. One more day and one of the co-creator of this blog will be bidding her farewell to her Kyubikel. “A”, it was indeed a pleasure sharing the same Kyubikel with you for the past year and a half.  It has been an interesting journey to say the least. First time I experienced working with a friend in the same Kyubikel. People say that it is difficult to work with friends. More so if you work under them but with “A” she never made me feel she was my superior. During my first six months, I tried to leave the Kyubikel and she encouraged me to stay. She is that kind of person. When things are not going well, she will be there to give you support and provide words of encouragement. I mentioned this because if I bade the Kyubikel farewell that time then I would not have met greenie missie. For this, I thank “A”.

“A” and I have been talking about her impending departure from our Kyubikel. What’s next? What to do? A lot of question marks to answer. As I told her before, “It’s your turn to be happy, do something that will make you happy.” On a lighter side, I envy “A”. She will be having her much deserved time off work. I want vacation too! On the other hand, there are a lot of uncertainties ahead. Though it seems like all the uncertainties ahead are challenges, for me, we should think that these uncertainties are actually opportunities. It gives us choices. It is up to us whether we make the most of them or not. We might make some wrong turns but eventually, I believe that everyone is bound to end up in the destination they are meant to reach. It’s just a matter of time whether we take more or less detours to reach our destination. I wish “A” will get to her destination with less detours and hope that she will have someone holding her hand when she reaches the finish lineJ. All the best to you, “A” and don’t be a stranger.

Now for my WTF! Through the past one and a half years in the Kyubikel with “A”, we have shared countless WTF! moments.  The one that stands out is …. (I’m sorry “A” but this really puts a smile in my face whenever I think about it.) “JAILWALKING”. This happened outside the Kyubikel but I still consider it part of our time together in the Kyubikel. There was this one night, we were going back to “A”’s place and we were crossing the street. I distinctly remember it was a red light. While we were waiting for the light to turn green one of our friends couldn’t wait and was about to cross. “A” suddenly blurted out “Don’t cross, else you might get caught JAILWALKING!” No one noticed. Suddenly, I thought to myself, shouldn’t it be Jaywalking? I corrected “A” and told her it should be Jaywalking. We argued for a bit and eventually I told her, yeah, JAILWALKING can also be used since you might get jailed after walking on a red light. It was a laugh trip. It was one unforgettable night. So guys, remember not to Jailwalk! :D - "X"

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