
Au Revoir, Kyubikel!

What compels one to leave the Kyubikel? For that, we should first ask ourselves what compels one to stay in the first place.

To me, the modern day definition of the kyubikel is a foreign notion and is unnatural. Here I’m talking about how we are all relegated to thinking that there is no world outside of our kyubikel.

A more proper definition of a kyubikel to me is

“a workspace that allows you to further your real goals, with tools to help you achieve that purpose.”

Just think back to your first kyubikel job. What did you feel like when you sat in a kyubikel for the first time? Probably several emotions at once. Perhaps you felt a sense of pride at having your very first kyubikel? Did you feel that you wanted to brighten up the space, put some pictures or pretty flowers? Perhaps you felt closed in and uncomfortable in your 4 X 5 piece of real estate. Whatever it is you felt, think back for a moment and reflect on the underlying driving force behind the experience: pre and post Kyubikel life.

The immediate thing that strikes you is how different it is from the pre-kyubikel life you just left behind. Say for example your pre-kyubikel job was in manual labor. Depending on the type of person you are, having a kyubikel now can be perceived as better or worse. If you are the type of person who enjoys being in the outdoors and working with your hands, then spending time in a kyubikel might as well be a death sentence. Maybe you won’t notice it immediately, but eventually you will begin to feel the weight of dissatisfaction weighing down on you.

Or say you were a student before coming into contact with your first kyubikel and you spent a lot of time on a desk cramming for lessons and tests. Probably a kyubikel won’t be much of a change. In fact, you’d probably appreciate the fact that now you are getting paid to do exactly as you’ve been doing before. In this regard, the post-kyubikel life will seem like a step up.

So depending on your preferences and prior conditions, your kyubikel life can either be a positive or negative experience and will affect your stay. Factor in present circumstances like compensation, salary, social acceptance, and degrees of power, and add future goals and aspirations into the mix then a complex picture begins to emerge. Yet, is it really as complex as it seems?

A kyubikel can be a means to an end. But more often than not we allow side issues to divert our attention from the real goal: the goal of figuring out who we are and what we want to do. Procrastination, fear, imagined safety, and a dozen other reasons hold us back from fully spreading our wings. There is a time and place for a kyubikel, but when that becomes your sole arena for action, you better re-examine your goals. Like it or not, a Kyubikel is a limited space, defined by invisible but very real borders. Like all things in life, it is finite and cannot possibly contain all the elements that one wishes to work with. It’s when we fool ourselves into thinking that this is the final goal that we end up cheating ourselves out of other experiences.

When we fall into this trap, much dissatisfaction awaits us in the end. And here’s the point: it’s because the modern kyubikel is a construct, an artificial environment that’s made to look like it’s an appealing place to be but in the long run does not fool anyone. Supposing your kyubikel is a wonderful collection of toys, memorabilia, pictures, postcards, candy and general knick knacks that pertain to your interests and hobbies. You feel wonderful, surrounded by these treasures and bright shiny objects. You might even have all the freedom to surf the web as you like without anyone bothering you, not least of all, your boss. Sounds like a dream come true? Think again. In the short term, it might seen like manna from heaven but not if we give up our freedom in exchange. A cage is a cage, even if it a golden one with ornate decorations.    

So, know yourself. Know what a kyubikel is for you. That way you will know whether to say goodbye to your present kyubikel or to give it little bear hugs in appreciation for all it does for you. – “V”


"Step It Up!"

I had always thought that once I started working, I would be wearing suits, those dull black high heels, or those slacks to show how 'professional' I am *ehem ehem* Instead, I wear what I want to wear. Jeans, denim skirt (well sometimes it is black), decent tops and cool shirts. I know I know, it seems so.... whatever! Like I'm not working. But I think it is because our office doesn't have a dress code too, so basically as long as you are presentable and doesn't look like a garbage, they won't say anything.
But today is different.
I heard my colleague's footsteps when she came in and I instantly knew she's wearing something different. I peeped and tada! She is wearing this glittery flip flop paired in a summer skirt and a white tee. And I thought, IS IT FRIDAY TODAY??! IS IT?
Well.. I admit I wear sneakers to office sometimes (red, white and blue LOL) but I just find it inappropriate to wear shoes that show toes. Don't you think so? Or is it only me? I would assume what if a client suddenly decided to drop by our office? How would I represent myself then? But don't get me wrong, not judging. I'm only saying what I think :p
Besides I think it's fun seeing people dressing up. (Guess it's just not me haha!)
And I'm Dorothy today. *chuckles*




All afternoon I have been making phone calls. I am preparing for a trip hence the phone calls to clients. What’s in a phone call? I am obliged to make a certain amount of phone calls a day. It’s a nice way to connect to clients but it just gets dull at times. You say the same stuff in every phone call. Ask the same questions. Once in a while you get some banter with them but most of the time it’s just pure business. I mainly talk to engineers and surprisingly, they are nice. You’d think that engineers are cocky or rude but they are very warm. The problem with my phone calls is that I talk to different nationalities from Malaysians, Thai, Japanese, Singaporeans, Cambodians, and Vietnamese. Sometimes I’m so messed up that I forget which nationality I’m talking to anymore. You see, each of these countries have their own lingo.  A simple word can be communicated in different ways for each of these countries. So you can imagine talking to a Cambodian then next call is Thai then next is Japanese, it’s quite confusing. Come to think of it, it’s also fun; sometimes you get the accent and the tone. Not to make fun at them but it just gets to you subconsciously. Right now, my spoken English is becoming a mix of everything.  With the lah, can, and whatever foreign word you can think of. Anyways lah, will move on to the next thing, can?

Colonel Sanders!!! It's all your fault!

WTF! Here we go with my WTF for the day. As you now know, I don’t usually have breakfast nor lunch. Today was an exception. WTF! 10:30am and I’m already effin hungry! Hard as I tried, I really didn’t want to have lunch since I’ve been starting to gain weight again. The past weekend all I did was pig out. I can already feel my love handles waiting to be held with the warm touch of an angel. So WTF! What will I do tonight to get rid of the 2 piece chicken, chicken burger, fries, 2 corn on a cob, and 1 milk shake I had at KFC? WTF! Run like Forest Gump and stop being a lazy ass!

Tell you more about my weekend in tomorrow’s entry. – “X”

Fruit of the Day!
Strawberry Krusher from KFC :)


"Funny Friday!"

I looked up this morning and saw my colleague, smiling at me. I laughed out loud when I saw her hair!! So you see, this is how my day started today, with a smile on my face ^_^
I'm just amazed how can someone bring curlers in their bag. Everyday stuffs are already heavy, especially for women. (I admit) And I almost asked her that stupid question but instead I asked politely if I can take a picture of her from behind (and shut up :p) coz she obviously won't know she'll be in our blog.
Oh well. I say a lot of things happen in each of our kyubikels. Colleagues are busy updating their own personal blogs; Some would turn the other way so others won't see they are busy cooking new recipes for their 'Restaurant City', 'Fashion Story' on their Ipads. (Nope, that's not me :p) And when I stand up, the guy in front of me still plays 'Plants vs. Zombies'! There was this time that whenever I get up to get a drink, or to get my paper from the fax machine... he would click out from the game, and me, being nice (hehe) told him no need to click out from the game, just do what he's doing coz I'm not the boss and I sincerely don't really care.

And lastly, one of us would just sleep freely even if it is working hours, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz HILARIOUS! so funny! We would take turns to wake her up cause we are afraid the supervisor would hear her (yeah, she kinda' snores loudly). I really want to take photos of what we're doing sometimes so you guys will have more idea of what I'm talking about!!! (maybe next time :p)

Anyways, look what I had brought with me today. X's gift for me from Korea. Yummy! (smells good kasi) But as far as my memory recalls, I remember saying I want the Face shop one when He asked me to choose!!!! (right? right?... you try scrolling up our Skype's old messages! lol)

Lastly, I do wish to keep this thing going. Won't know till when and till where (Taiwan, Manila, Singapore... wherever God leads us) and yup, I would like to wait for the time when we talk about our employees LOL!~!

Happy weekend everyone! *happy thoughts always*
B =)


Modern Typewriter.....No Noise!

It was supposed to be a quiet day at the Kyubikel since the boss is not in, instead the typewriter squad is in attack mode. You know those times in the Kyubikel when colleagues are talking on the phone all at the same time? It’s so effing annoying! You can barely hear the person you’re talking to on the other end. Forunately, it’s not one of those days. From this morning until now, all you can hear are the keyboards of the people in the Kyubikel with cracking sounds. It’s like they are crazy mad at their keyboards and wants to stick their fingers through the freaking keyboard. It’s quite irritating and very much comparable to having long nails and scratching the blackboard. Do their fingers weigh like a ton each! Wouldn’t it be funny if you suddenly hear someone in the Kyubikel shout out loud “OUUCCCHHHH! My finger got caught in my keyboard!” Now that would be a sight, a finger through the keyboard! Moving on, I wonder how big the calluses in the fingers of these colleagues of mine are. Imagine 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 4 weeks a month, that’s too much! Do they think they’re still using the effin’ typewriter! Cluck, cluck, cluck! I feel like my ears are ringing from all the clucking! Good thing the day is about to end and better is that it’s Frenzy Friday but best is that no work for the next two days! Have a happy weekend folks!


WTF moment, what’s my WTF for today? Luckily, none! The day’s not over yet so I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Here’s one WTF but not just for me, The Kyubikel is one week old! I have to say, I’m proud that we lasted one week. I didn’t expect that I will be this diligent in terms of blogging, hahaha! I would like to thank my two little friends who came up with the concept and co – own this blog. Rock on! Great work, B! I’m still waiting for your first post, A! Unleash all your demons! For our guest contributor “V” and would be contributors, keep ‘em coming. Hope we can continue this until we become the dreaded bosses and we will be talking about how lazy ass our employees are!


Enough blogging for the day! I’m gonna enjoy my weekend! Till next time you drop by our Kyubikel. Make your weekend count!

No fruit for today coz I ate the damn thing already! Instead, I’ll give you this …..  

Red Chili!


"Worm" It Up!

I always thought that having plants in the office are weird. I'm not talking about small flower pots cause I know they're pretty and ok, but I'm talking about those huge ones.
So here in our office, each employee are assigned to take care of one plant at least. (big or small, they don't care. Just don't kill it!!!!!!!) And yesterday one of my colleagues discovered that his plant needed more soil (now you can really imagine what kind of plants are we talking about here). The soil came this afternoon and I was there curious, looking and trying to help out when my colleague whispered... "Is that a worm?"

Goose bumps came on me and ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Yuck! Yuck! Yuck! I saw the worm moving and grossed out.

I have nothing against God's creations...

But seriously, I couldn't stop the yucky feeling. (sorry ah, but pucha yuckers talga!!) Anyways, next thing I knew I was taking photos already and excited what to write for today's topic! (I was even telling to myself, THIS IS IT!)  I think the worm was dead when my colleague picked it up for the second time,  see on the picture? I know we're not same species as them and sometimes can't help but think how God can create such small creatures, some are cute, some are.... you know. *hindi cute* but all came from Him.

I'm just glad I'm not a worm.
And lastly, I did not kill that worm!!

B =)

Emails to Ecstasy

Wondering what’s the connection between emails and ecstasy? Well, let me clarify first that I’m not talking about ecstasy as in the hallucinogen nor am I talking about sex emails (you dirty perv! Is there such a thing as sex emails?); I’m talking about ecstasy as in the overpowering emotion. Today an email from a customer gave me ecstasy. That’s how powerful an email can be. I was expecting a normal day and suddenly an email came in. It was from a customer whom I thought had no interest in giving his purchase order to me. But lo and behold, the email contains an attachment bearing the title: contract no.doc. I excitedly opened the file. It was their order. These are the kind of emails you wish to get when you are having an el terrible day at the Kyubikel. Although there are times were an email can also turn one fine day into one forgettable day. It can turn a frown upside down or vice versa. That’s the power of emails in the Kyubikel!

Isn’t it amazing what emails can do to people? One situation can change with just one email. You can get all sorts of emotions with each email you receive. You can get fired through your email. You can get memos. You can receive complaints from customers. That’s enough of the negative emails. As I am trying to practice positive thinking, let’s move on to the good ones. Isn’t it nice when you receive a mail from someone you care about asking you how are you? For me, this is the best one. Right, Yam & Bien? I hope I can receive one soon or maybe a purchase order with a huge amount will do (greedy laugh). So once in a while, email your friends, family, loved ones. I’m talking about caring about them not sending them an email to ask for money. A simple mail can bring a smile to that person’s face. WTF! I’m like a hallmark card!

WTF! Glass Door!

Now, let’s get to my WTF moment of the day! Well, today was a pretty slow day except for my WTF moment of the day which happened this morning! Jolly as I was coming to work (ßsuch a faker) I took the lift to our floor with a couple of colleagues. We timed in our cards and my colleagues went inside and left the door open for me while another colleague was outside calling me and wanted to talk to me. After talking to my colleague, while I was about to go in…………BANG! WTF! I hit myself on the door! Holy Moley! Someone closed the glass door! Good Job, cleaning lady! The glass door is squeaky clean. Shit, it felt like I was in the show Just for Laughs. It really hurt and I had a small bump in my forehead. How’s that for my WTF moment of the day? Enjoy your Moody Thursday! – “X”

Fruit of the Day!
Watermelon Juice!


Another One Bites the Dust

It’s been a while and it’s good to be back! Well, today, another one bites the dust! Before that, I’ll just briefly tell you what happened the past two days. Monday I took a leave so no Kyubikel for me but I opened my company email at home and Another one bites the dust! Again, in less than a month, a colleague resigned. That person hasn’t even stayed for more than 2 weeks. It didn’t come as a surprise anymore given that for the past several months, dozens have said their goodbyes already. It has been a perennial question among us noobs whether who will be next. It has been as exciting as playing the lottery everyday when you come to work. It’s like spin the bottle, where it stops nobody knows. I remember several months back, I had dinner with the noobs, and we were joking around as to who will be the ultimate survivor. Now, among the five of us who had dinner that night, only three left. The question is who will be the ultimate survivor.

While Monday was a busy day, yesterday was a very normal day at the Kyubikel. Getting back to now, another one bites the dust! Doing my morning routine at my Kyubikel, suddenly, an email popped up, another goodbye! You know the phrase “The only permanent thing in this world is change”? Since I’ve been in this Kyubikel, nothing has been constant. Every month you meet new people and every month you say goodbye to others. From time to time, your job scope becomes different. Makes you wonder, is there such a thing as settling down. If all things change, then how can you settle down? I’m not talking about getting married but at what point in our lives will we be able to say that “Now, I am settled. I like where I am and I like what I do.” I hope we don’t have to wait until we’re six feet under with our feet flat together. Is it too much to ask for normalcy? WTF! Enough of the drama! I guess I should just be a man and play with the cards that are dealt. Stop folding! Speaking of WTF! I had the worst WTF moment last Monday. I literally passed out after downing some reds. It has been a while since I last passed out. I was supposed to meet someone at 7pm but WTF! I woke up at 8pm. Felt like an idiot! Really terrible! As consolation despite passing out, I wound up having a good 12 hours sleep. Feel young and rejuvenated again with a bit of regret.  Great times!
To my avid reader (yes, that’s you! you know who you are!), as you know, I have been uploading photos of fruits in my entries, but sadly, no fruit today BUT I have ……

 Fruit of the Day........KIWI!

It’s Wacky Wednesday! Try to go out and have some fun! – “X”


You've Got "Memo"

I had been waiting for today to come. My colleagues had been planning to have dinner together for my birthday since last month. But sadly, due to some personal issues of one of them, we can't help but prolonged the dinner till tonight.

And just so you know, this is a so called 'personal-birthday-coupon' made by them. (Cute!)

B =)



"Love bears all things,
Believes all things,
Hopes all things,
Endures all things." - 1 Corinthians 13:7

So it says in the book of 1 Corinthians.

But I can't help but think, does 'Love' can really bears all things? How are we to endure all things when we don't have enough strength to go on? or how do we hope when we see things seems so hopeless? and to whom are we to believe when we don't have someone beside us?

The truth is, it is always easier to have these words read out than to fully understand what was said above when in a problem situation. So I say, we really need to be thankful to Alexander Graham Bell for inventing the phone (yehey! TELEBABAD days back in HS), not only because his invention made it easier for the later generations to keep open communication but for me, because we let people know they are not alone. Starting up from the dial tone (tutt. tutt...), then punching the numbers,  ring ring riiiinggg, waiting (ang tagal  nman sumagot!)... then hearing the voice of that someone lets us know that we can say what we wanna say (Hmm.. well, maybe not all. lol) But you know, stuffs. Frustations in life, happy thoughts like Peter Pan's, the excitement of leaving the office early today, and even when the first phone call wasn't heard. (opps!)  Well, we can always call for the second time knowing that we will definitely hear someone at the end of the line.

So I think I would have to agree when PPJ when He  says, "Love is the greatest".
(Cause there's no greater than His Love! so be strong!!)

And of course.... 'happy thoughts'

B =)


My Kubikel, My Altar

Hello to our one loyal follower! It is with great honor that we have now our first guest contributor..... "V". A warm thanks for indulging The Kyubikel's request. So as the famous Basti says, let's get to the chorus!

"Manna from heaven in Kubikel Hell"

My Kubikel, My Altar

As I sit here wondering what to write for Kyubikel’s first ever guest blog entry, I suddenly shuddered thinking what will happen if someone catches my email. Yes, it’s this kind of paranoia that defines my Kyubikel.

Every Kyubikel has its own set of unbreakable laws and is a copy of the ultimate Kyubikel: hell.

Anyway the paranoia is not entirely baseless. Just today we were called in to be reminded of sacrilegious acts we were committing against the company. Such overt acts like napping 5 minutes past lunchtime, using one’s mobile phone to go online, and my personal favorite – showing up 5 minutes late. Never mind if you worked overtime the night before and reached your home with just enough time to roll over and wish for death. The friendly smiles of the front desk hide a more sinister agenda as they take your name down to be highlighted at a later period. Somehow this tab on your attendance always magically shows up when they tell you how little money you deserve for your bonus. “Better luck next time, buddy!”

No where is safe. Not even the toilet. I can’t take a piss without looking back over my shoulder. I’m also starting to suspect that they’re putting something in our water. Mind control drugs are my best guess.

In the Kyubikel, hell is everyone doing exactly what they’re supposed to do without compromise. One could be forgiven to think that this is supposed to be a good thing. But step back for a moment and really see the situation. A company’s various processes are to ensure that no one gets any real work done. So when everyone does exactly what their position requires them to do, then the pain is worse than taking your balls to the grinder.

Applause goes out for the Kyubikel project. Let’s all be in this pain together. - "V"

"I'm Lovin' It!!"

"I'm Lovin' It!!" =)
I love Fridays.

I actually anticipate Fridays cause I know my boss will not come in the office, however sometimes, I would say I dread it as well. Office work would really pile up on me, phone calls would be non stop, I would have to put my game face replying numerous emails, MSN would be blinking notoriously!! And I would curse secretly when I would see friends' status on Facebook like "TGIF!!!", "Ilang oras nalng uwian na...", "Gonna watch Transformers 3 tonight! *can't wait*" and to think, is it really Friday??????

And today I thought it would be smarter to expect that I'll be busy since it is indeed office hours, so I went to Mc Donald's, ordered my favorite breakfast and at the same time, flashed my seldom smiley face at the girl and run!! *Dont wanna be late!*

We always hear people quotes 'Life is hard' But rather I think not only life is hard, but going to work for a boss who has PMS everyday is harder. You will never know when is the best time to meet her eyes, when to smile when she's trying to be funny, when to nod when she's scolding to show your listening, or just stare, play dumb or stop the urge to hit her cause you can't take it anymore. 

So I say friends, get breakfasts that would make your colleagues drool (oo! mamatay kayo sa inggit!!). Buy lunches that are expensive once in awhile. Reward yourself. Say what you wanna say, but when six pm ticks, it is our lives after all.

Isn't it? -

B =)

Friday Mornings~

Holy Smokes! It's Friday!

Ain't it great! Waking up to a Friday morning. First thing comes to mind is, Shit! Have to get up now! I have to attend my kyubikel's "Sharing". Just to give you an idea, every Friday morning, my Kyubikel has this thing called "Sharing" where one employee will be assigned to share something or even anything. Open Topic. They call this thing "Knowledge Sharing". For the "Sharing" you have to be at the office 45 minutes earlier than usual. Now back to Friday Morning. This Friday I skipped the "Sharing". I'm still in a tantric ecstasy as my boss is still out of office. Don't you love Fridays?!?!! Makes me think: No work tomorrow! Monday is 2 days away! Can stay up late! (although i can barely keep myself awake past 12 midnight, nowadays, I'm so effin old!) 

While in my Kyubikel, suddenly felt the urge to sing! Since this morning, this song has been playing in my head! Sunday morning rain is falling, steal some covers, share some skin~~~ Been in a happy mood until lunch stole my happy mood! I've been trying to shed a few inches off the gut and been avoiding lunch during weekdays for quite some time now. But from time to time, I'll take some time off from my diet and reward myself with a hearty lunch. Today was one of those days. We went to the nearby local fastfood (for those of you who are "sosyal"/elitists, its one of those places like in malls where you can find lots of food stalls and a big public area for dining). I saw this stall with a very long queue, they were selling noodles, looked so yummmy! I ordered one bowl of Dry Wanton Noodles. Hungry as I was, I happily waited in front of the stall for my noodle. After waiting for a life time, WTF! It still wasn't my turn to get my order! Pissed as I was, I just left and went to our table. Good thing someone was kind enough and offered to share food with me. Well, that's my WTF moment of the day.

Going back to Fridays, tonight will be a fun filled night! Tonight I'll be able to enjoy good company. I'll be doing fun stuff with: Greenie Missie. Badminton Buddies. Greedy Gluttons (Special mention to my bros, yammy, gillibabs, and keki mcgrady). Alcoholic Anonymous (Shoutout to Bry and the missus! Also to Gintot who is MIA). Just piece this all together equals to good times! Cheers! Here's to the night! - "X"

Fruit of FriDay! Grapas!


"Summer Is Definitely Here!"

Eva has been craving for ice creams for the past weeks, I know it's summer here right now, but it is super cold in our office. I always see her buying more than one ice cream then she would put in our fridge to eat it the next day =)

She always eats the most unexpected things in our afternoon snacks! Last week, I even caught her having this Chinese herbs in her drink.

I swear I could have hit her if not because of the glass space between us. She said why would I react so much when it smells so good?

Seriously. I almost died of the smell!
-B =)

Welcome to the Start of Nothingness!!!!!

Today we will begin our journey to the fullness of nothingness in the lives of people in the Kyubikel. I got the term nothingness from a friend who was sharing his ideology regarding the human brain. He said that the human brain is divided into several blocks. Each block has a specific purpose for storing memories, knowledge, ideas, and NOTHINGNESS. 

Nothingness is the state of being blank. Empty. Dumbfounded. In the Kyubikel, you often will find yourself in nothingness. Loud noises from other Kyubikels, Phones ringing, Copying machine running, and the one noise that's above all else, the voice of your boss screaming at the top of his lungs, veins popping, vocal chords getting ripped BUT despite all these, you will be in the state of NOTHINGNESS. This is nothingness. Sometimes you will find yourself in a higher level of nothingness. This level of nothingness will put one person in a state of trance, feeling ecstasy. Upon reaching this level, you will be able to attempt and succeed in writing an entry in your blog and if lucky enough to reach the tantric level (this is achieved when the boss is out of office) of nothingness, manage to come up with .....

Ta-dah! A mangapple! Now, that's Nothingness!

Wondering what Kyubikel is? Well, since Cubicle was already taken, us, three little friends who conceptualized this blog, agreed to just spell it as pronounced. Kyubikel focuses on bosses who takes out their frustrations towards his/her employees.  Screaming/shouting at the top of his/her lungs to get what they want. Kyubikel is about the observations and fascinations of the nothingness in the office life of us, three little friends. From time to time you will hear about the obsessions and drama of our Kyubikel. So subscribe, add, follow, or whatever you have to do here in blogger to follow us, three little friends. Here goes.......Welcome to our show!!! -"X"

By the way, if you have your own nothingness to share, hit our comments or email at thecubicle1@gmail.com (Photos are better!)