
"Monday Blues"

You know those days when you just know deep inside that nothing will go right?
Well, that was yesterday.

Eva came in the office with her voice raised (again!), though this time she had a valid reason. She was going to meet a client and she needed the samples from our factory, it was said that it will be sent last weekend. But when they didn't send it out, The reason they told her was because they were busy doing Wendy's shipment that they didn't bother doing hers. MADNESS!!!! I really feel sorry for her.... like these are the samples that she would present to her client, and at the same time, her future orders will depend on these samples. What a way to start our Monday, huh? ;(

I've been in this company for almost six years now, so I probably can understand what she felt yesterday, the huge disappointment and lack of support not only from our factory but from our boss as well. Eva was just so quiet the whole morning, even when we had our meeting with the factory, all I heard from her was, "ok", "好", "嗯".. no more than that! If it's only us in the meeting room, we usually pass notes to each other and this was what Eva wrote on her memo, "爛透" = sucks!!!!! I know we do meet these shitty stuffs sometimes, and I don't want to think I have those monday-blues, but it's a crap why does it have to be Mondays. (Don't ask me why, I won't have a decent answer :p)

Anyways, Wendy baked banana cake last weekend and she brought it. I think that was the only time when I saw Eva started smiling. (I'm serious!!!!) She asked all of us if we want ice cream, because she wanted to eat the cake with it. I think only one nodded, but when she came back, she bought ice cream for all of us! *sweet*  All I can say it was pretty weird Monday yesterday. So quiet..... you try to be here next time and you'll get what I'm saying :p

-B =)

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