
I’m Back!

(Photos Later)

Hey folks! It’s been quite a while. Travelling has made me unavailable for the past weeks. The trip has provided some sanity to the previously mad reality of the Kyubikel. Mind you, the travel was a business trip so it still has something to do with the Kyubikel except that I am not physically in the Kyubikel. Four days I was in Singapore. I have been there before so I thought I would expect the same thing.  First, let me tell you about the preparation. You’d think that booking the hotel’s an easy task. Anyways, the company is paying so no need to worry about staying in Geylang (Remember Geylang, Yam?) but lo and behold, all the hotels were fully booked! I tried Agoda, Asiarooms, and even tried calling the hotels directly. No luck. Alas! “A” found a hotel in Little India. I already expected that it will be a mediocre one but it wasn’t. It was way worse! Imagine a room where when you stretch your hands, you will be able to reach both ends of the room, where the bathroom is smaller than my Kyubikel. Good thing I’m only there to sleep. Surprisingly, most of the staffs are Filipinos, very hospitable. We were told later on that at the corner of the hotel was a funeral place. Eerie!
It was a good thing that it’s summer here in my Kyubikel at least when I was in Singapore, I didn’t feel the difference. Though the weather was the same, I was sweating like I played basketball for two hours. Wanna know the difference why I’m sweating in Singapore? When I’m in the Kyubikel, I just stay in my Kyubikel the whole day! Sitting my fat ass in my air conditioned Kyubikel. I know, I know! Such a lazy ass! Moving on, the saving grace from all the sweating! Hawker food! Loved the chili sauce! I’m not a big fan of spicy food but the chili sauce was just so goooood especially with the dimsum (Thanks, A)! Just thinking about it makes me drool! After having several meals in Singapore, hawker food is still top notch. Sadly, I didn’t try the recommended chili crabs. By the way, we were brought to this tea place at MBS. The menu for tea was so extensive that even if you order one drink a day, you still won’t finish the tea menu in one year! It was an interesting place. The servers were Filipinos as well. Makes you feel like you just went to Manila instead of Singapore.

It was not my first time in Singapore. Hearing people talk about the growth of their population was surprising. Now, population is at 5 million plus. Staggering! Imagine when I was there the last time around 2-3 years ago, population was at 2 million. Despite the population increase, I think Singapore will still be a nice place to live in albeit the high cost of living.

Overall, it was a good trip. It took my mind off all the crazy stuff happening at my Kyubikel. I consider it as a minor reboot of my system. I think I still need a loooooong vacation! Maybe, Palawan? (Calling B!)

Enough about my trip, let’s get to my WTF! Coming back from Singapore, our flight was cancelled. We were moved to a Singapore Airline flight. You must be thinking, you lucky dawg you! Singapore Airlines can be considered as a premier airline. First thing, WTF China Airlines! Cancelling the flight without notifying passengers in advance and their transfer system was crappy! All we got was a meal voucher. That’s not my WTF! The real WTF is when we were about to land; I placed my Ipad in the front pocket of the seat. The flight attended told me that I cannot put my Ipad in the front pocket and I should put it under the seat or in the storage cabin. WTF! When we took off from Singapore, I put my Ipad in the front pocket of the seat and you didn’t warn me.  I don’t find the point of putting it in the storage cabin or under the seat. The “good boy” that I am, I put the Ipad in the storage cabin. Though I slammed the Ipad into the storage cabin and the Flight Attendant got shocked. She was motionless for about 5 seconds. I don’t know the point of that regulation. - "X"

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