
"Worm" It Up!

I always thought that having plants in the office are weird. I'm not talking about small flower pots cause I know they're pretty and ok, but I'm talking about those huge ones.
So here in our office, each employee are assigned to take care of one plant at least. (big or small, they don't care. Just don't kill it!!!!!!!) And yesterday one of my colleagues discovered that his plant needed more soil (now you can really imagine what kind of plants are we talking about here). The soil came this afternoon and I was there curious, looking and trying to help out when my colleague whispered... "Is that a worm?"

Goose bumps came on me and ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Yuck! Yuck! Yuck! I saw the worm moving and grossed out.

I have nothing against God's creations...

But seriously, I couldn't stop the yucky feeling. (sorry ah, but pucha yuckers talga!!) Anyways, next thing I knew I was taking photos already and excited what to write for today's topic! (I was even telling to myself, THIS IS IT!)  I think the worm was dead when my colleague picked it up for the second time,  see on the picture? I know we're not same species as them and sometimes can't help but think how God can create such small creatures, some are cute, some are.... you know. *hindi cute* but all came from Him.

I'm just glad I'm not a worm.
And lastly, I did not kill that worm!!

B =)

1 comment:

  1. thats one disgusting worm... killed a lot of them when was on vacation... hahaha
