

Modern Typewriter.....No Noise!

It was supposed to be a quiet day at the Kyubikel since the boss is not in, instead the typewriter squad is in attack mode. You know those times in the Kyubikel when colleagues are talking on the phone all at the same time? It’s so effing annoying! You can barely hear the person you’re talking to on the other end. Forunately, it’s not one of those days. From this morning until now, all you can hear are the keyboards of the people in the Kyubikel with cracking sounds. It’s like they are crazy mad at their keyboards and wants to stick their fingers through the freaking keyboard. It’s quite irritating and very much comparable to having long nails and scratching the blackboard. Do their fingers weigh like a ton each! Wouldn’t it be funny if you suddenly hear someone in the Kyubikel shout out loud “OUUCCCHHHH! My finger got caught in my keyboard!” Now that would be a sight, a finger through the keyboard! Moving on, I wonder how big the calluses in the fingers of these colleagues of mine are. Imagine 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 4 weeks a month, that’s too much! Do they think they’re still using the effin’ typewriter! Cluck, cluck, cluck! I feel like my ears are ringing from all the clucking! Good thing the day is about to end and better is that it’s Frenzy Friday but best is that no work for the next two days! Have a happy weekend folks!


WTF moment, what’s my WTF for today? Luckily, none! The day’s not over yet so I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Here’s one WTF but not just for me, The Kyubikel is one week old! I have to say, I’m proud that we lasted one week. I didn’t expect that I will be this diligent in terms of blogging, hahaha! I would like to thank my two little friends who came up with the concept and co – own this blog. Rock on! Great work, B! I’m still waiting for your first post, A! Unleash all your demons! For our guest contributor “V” and would be contributors, keep ‘em coming. Hope we can continue this until we become the dreaded bosses and we will be talking about how lazy ass our employees are!


Enough blogging for the day! I’m gonna enjoy my weekend! Till next time you drop by our Kyubikel. Make your weekend count!

No fruit for today coz I ate the damn thing already! Instead, I’ll give you this …..  

Red Chili!

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