
Emails to Ecstasy

Wondering what’s the connection between emails and ecstasy? Well, let me clarify first that I’m not talking about ecstasy as in the hallucinogen nor am I talking about sex emails (you dirty perv! Is there such a thing as sex emails?); I’m talking about ecstasy as in the overpowering emotion. Today an email from a customer gave me ecstasy. That’s how powerful an email can be. I was expecting a normal day and suddenly an email came in. It was from a customer whom I thought had no interest in giving his purchase order to me. But lo and behold, the email contains an attachment bearing the title: contract no.doc. I excitedly opened the file. It was their order. These are the kind of emails you wish to get when you are having an el terrible day at the Kyubikel. Although there are times were an email can also turn one fine day into one forgettable day. It can turn a frown upside down or vice versa. That’s the power of emails in the Kyubikel!

Isn’t it amazing what emails can do to people? One situation can change with just one email. You can get all sorts of emotions with each email you receive. You can get fired through your email. You can get memos. You can receive complaints from customers. That’s enough of the negative emails. As I am trying to practice positive thinking, let’s move on to the good ones. Isn’t it nice when you receive a mail from someone you care about asking you how are you? For me, this is the best one. Right, Yam & Bien? I hope I can receive one soon or maybe a purchase order with a huge amount will do (greedy laugh). So once in a while, email your friends, family, loved ones. I’m talking about caring about them not sending them an email to ask for money. A simple mail can bring a smile to that person’s face. WTF! I’m like a hallmark card!

WTF! Glass Door!

Now, let’s get to my WTF moment of the day! Well, today was a pretty slow day except for my WTF moment of the day which happened this morning! Jolly as I was coming to work (ßsuch a faker) I took the lift to our floor with a couple of colleagues. We timed in our cards and my colleagues went inside and left the door open for me while another colleague was outside calling me and wanted to talk to me. After talking to my colleague, while I was about to go in…………BANG! WTF! I hit myself on the door! Holy Moley! Someone closed the glass door! Good Job, cleaning lady! The glass door is squeaky clean. Shit, it felt like I was in the show Just for Laughs. It really hurt and I had a small bump in my forehead. How’s that for my WTF moment of the day? Enjoy your Moody Thursday! – “X”

Fruit of the Day!
Watermelon Juice!

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